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Coffee as Culture


Element 84 isn’t unique because most of us like coffee. Embracing everyone’s unique ways of making and enjoying it is what makes it part of our culture.

Starting from a simple bean

We all have our different ways of making it. Some like to use a pod in a machine, while others like that machine to grind it first. It’s even easier with the instant variety, but Jerry would likely throw a fit.

Jerry Seinfeld in Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee

Beyond making it, everyone likes to enjoy it a little differently. I like to drink mine cold, while others think that’s rubbish and need their morning brew to be piping hot. Some people like to enhance the taste with flavored cream instead of a cup of plain, black zen.

Embracing more than a crappy cup of coffee

Coffee culture has to start somewhere. Getting some buy-in from the top helps, especially when your Co-Founder / CTO geeks out with fancy espresso machines (that makes one of the finer cups I’ve had might I add). But it doesn’t stop there.

Buddy the Elf finds the “World’s Best Cup of Coffee”

Perks are perks, fancy machines are well… fancy. Any office can do that. The difference is giving people the ability to actually enjoy their hourly morning lifeline with the different bits that make their cup special. Not everyone likes Stevia. Some are dairy intolerant and want Almond milk, while others just prefer it. Having a kitchen stocked with more than the “essentials” is that little extra that brings needed happiness to a team that’s hard at work. Especially when you cater to custom requests (thanks for that almond milk).

Exploring how we like coffee

Every cup made daily at E84 HQ or from a remote employee’s kitchen comes with passion, intrigue, and a strong opinion about the best way to make a cup of coffee. We’re going to explore that in a new series we’re calling E84 Coffee Labs, sharing what makes all those unique brews just as great as the next.